Leadership Development

According to research there are over 130 definitions of leader or leadership and over 44 theories of leadership. No wonder there is so much confusion on how to lead.

At Collaborative Leadership we define ‘leader’ as the role of a person who guides others on a journey and ‘ship’ as the state and condition of being. Hence, leadership is the state and condition of a person who guides others on a journey. This leadership lives to be in service of others, and it invites everyone to share their gifts and talents to help drive the team to greater performance. Collaborative Leadership understands the inseparability and changeability of leaders and followers. Collaborative Leadership wants followers to think, to bring their vitality, their engagement and enthusiasm to their work.

At Collaborative Leadership we define ‘leader’ as the role of a person who guides others on a journey and ‘ship’ as the state and condition of being of the person who guides.

Collaborative Leadership holds its followers BIG; it lets go so followers can grow. Collaborative Leadership helps create leaders not followers, starting with a look at SELF before looking at OTHER.

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News & Info

November 30, 2015

Leadership that Enables Innovation Through Safety

The complex and complicated world in which we live requires leaders who can foster group learning not just individual learning…to tap into the collective wisdom and capacity of the group….Read More